Wings 'N Things Mural

A short walk through of the process of designing, painting and installing this mural that I had been working on over the past couple months.

As with most projects I began with some rough concept sketches. We ended up running with #2 but with some minor changes.

Early beginnings. The MDF panels had all been sanded and a coat of sealer applied to each panel. Each panel measured 2.4 x 1.2 metres, It was impossible for me to work at any larger size inside the shed. The 4 panels span the entire side wall with one extra panel out of view.

Most of the outlines had already been established, after that it was a matter of mixing litres of paint and blending everything in.

Kingfisher is getting some paint, It was tricky trying to blend such large areas, I had to work quick before the paint began to dry.

Getting ready to varnish the artwork.

Here's the artwork installed at Gympie Wings 'N things bird store. The MDF sits about 2 metres off the ground, I drilled holes into the masonry in order to fix each panel to the wall. A few hiccups and misalignments along the way but we managed to install it in good time. The entire mural measured at 6 x 2.4 metres